The core of plastic  surgery and eye surgery

Contents :

1. Introduction and generalities

2. The Perspective of the Research Core

3. Research core nucleus

4. Research core lines

5. Long-term solutions

6. Expected results from implementation of the strategies

7- Short-term program

8. Medium and long term program

9. The core of the research

10. Translation of knowledge


Introduction and generalities:

The Department of Plastic Surgery and Eye Removal operates in 4 parts of the Gang surgery, lacrimal ducts, Anophthalmic socket, and facial repair and cosmetic surgery. One of these activities is for patients with Thyroid Eye Disease (TED). That eye disease is one of the most common complications of the disease due to autoimmune inflammation.


Research core perspective:

Becoming the Eye Research Center of the University to the first and foremost in the field of Plastic and Reconstructive Field Research and Ocular Thyroid

Research core mission:

- Proposed new methods of plastic surgery and eye surgery

- Review the safety and outcome of surgical procedures performed by patients with TED

- Recognizing the risk factors of TED severity in Iranian society

- Establishing an electronic system for the registration, identification and treatment of patients with ocular thyroid disease


Research core research lines:

- Surgical surgery

- Laryngeal surgery,

- Anophthalmic socket

- Surgery and beauty

- TED diagnosis and treatment


Long-term solutions:

- Establishing an electronic system for the registration, identification and treatment of patients with ocular thyroid disease

- Carrying out clinical trial studies on the new methods of regenerative and cosmetic surgery

- Conduct clinical trial studies on new drugs in the treatment of TED


Expected results from implementation of the strategies:

- Registration and identification of patients with TED

- Presenting new methods of plastic and eye surgery

- Establishing scholarly scholarly research contacts with other international groups


short term plan : 

- Launch PHD by research at the plastic and restorative core

- Follow up on clinical trials

- Strengthening international relations with internationally acclaimed centers


Medium and long term program:

- Establishing an electronic system for the registration, identification and treatment of patients with ocular thyroid disease

- Carrying out clinical trial studies on the new methods of regenerative and cosmetic surgery

- Conduct clinical trial studies on new drugs in the treatment of TED


Research core cores:

- Dr Mohsen Bahmani Keshkoki / Corresponding Author

- Dr. Gholam Hossein Aghaee / plastic and restorative assistant

- Flu Plastic and Eye / Collaborative Restoration

- Resident of ophthalmology / in thesis format

- Dr. Mostafa Sultan Sanjari / Strabismus

- Dr. Hadi Shahrad Bejastani / Associate Professor of Endocrinology


Knowledge Translator: Dr Navid Nilfrooshan


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