The core of retinal diseases

Contents :

1. Introduction and generalities

2. The Perspective of the Research Core

3. Research core nucleus

4. Research core lines

5. Long-term solutions

6. Expected results from implementation of the strategies

7- Short-term program

8. Medium and long term program

9. The core of the research

10. Translation of knowledge


Introduction and generalities

Retinal diseases are an emerging field of ophthalmology, in recent years the growth of international retinal papers has been impressive compared to other ophthalmic fields. Considering the role of the retinal role in the vision process of ultrasound disciplines, retinal disease has become remarkable. These research areas include neonatal retina diseases, diabetic macular edema, retinal detachment regimens, and biconvex imaging. Preterm infant retinopathy is one of the most common and common causes of blindness in children. It can be prevented and can be treated promptly if diagnosed. If diagnosis is not timely, the disease is progressive and quickly leads to blindness.

Diabetic macular edema is the most common cause of vision loss in people with diabetic retinopathy.

Several treatments for diabetic macular edema have been proposed and repeated injections of anti-VEGF drugs have been introduced as standard treatments. Testing that the response to treatment is not complete and that a large number of patients do not respond well to frequent treatment, other methods of testing include anti-inflammatory drugs, blockers of other growth factors and various combination methods. Considering the increasing prevalence of diabetic retinopathy, the study of diabetic macular edema is of particular importance.

Retinal imaging is constantly growing and creating new devices for a more accurate and reliable retinal disease. At present, the diagnosis of retinal disease is largely dependent on quality images of the retina. In addition to developing new and high-quality devices, the study of the accuracy and quality of existing devices is also important.

Retinal detachment is divided into three general categories. If the retinal separation is accompanied by a retina hole. It is referred to as regmatogenesis. Although the treatment of this disease is primarily surgical. There has been remarkable progress. Existing methods are still incomplete, and a significant number of patients require frequent surgeries and there is a risk of vision loss and lack of response.


Research core perspective:

 - Achieving new therapies in patients with retinopathy in preterm infants, diabetic macular edema, retinal detachment regimen

 - Developing solutions to prevent and diagnose these illnesses


Research core mission:

- To provide new ways of diagnosing and treating research nucleus research lines

- Multi-center clinical trials launch


Research core research lines:

- Preterm infant retinopathy (ROP)

Diabetic macular edema

- Retina Imaging

Rectal retinal detachment


Long-term solutions:

- Create ROP Country Registration System

- Multi-center clinical trials on the diagnosis and treatment of retinopathy in premature neonates of diabetic macular degeneration and retinal detachment regimens

- Identification of factors associated with retinopathy in Iranian population including genetic variation

- A review of new therapies for diabetic macular edema

- Comparison of the artifacts of various retinal imaging devices

- Investigating the Effect of Multiple Devices for Diagnosing Diseases (Multrimodal Imaging)


Expected results from implementation of the strategies:

 - Publish articles in internationally recognized journals on retina nucleus research

 - Determination of risk factors (gestational age, neonatal weight and ...) for screening neonates in Iranian society

 - Creating a new ROP screening guideline

 - Providing associated factors including genetic factors with Iranian diabetic macular edema

 - Finding new therapies for diabetic macular edema

 - Providing new and advanced types of retinal imaging devices, especially wide-angle imaging


 short term plan :

- Determination of incidence of retinopathy in premature infants in patients referred to Rasoul-e-Akram Hospital (PU)

- Results of intravitreal injection of Avastin and laser therapy in ROP infants

- Use of Sedative drugs to reduce pain during ROP laser therapy under local anesthetic

- Review the short-term and long-term results of ROP treatment

- Evaluation of the effect of intravitreal injection of anti-inflammatory drugs on diabetic macular edema

- Evaluation of the effect of intravitreal injection of an anti-inflammatory drug for chronic diabetic macular edema that has not responded to previous therapies.

- Create application image management for quick access and consultation with professors


Medium and long term program:

- Establish a national e-government to identify and track infants at risk for ROP

- Creating a new ROP screening guideline

- Determination of risk factors in newborns leading to ROP.

- Evaluation of ROP treatment in premature infants (laser therapy, Avastin injection and vitrectomy)

- Obtain immunization doses of new anti-inflammatory drugs for intravitreal injection

- Evaluation of the effect of neuroprotective drugs in diabetic macular edema

- Evaluation of inflammatory factors and new intravitreal chemokines in diabetic patients

- The effect of long acting drugs on diabetic macular edema

- Providing new and advanced types of retinal imaging devices, especially wide-angle imaging


 Research core cores

- Dr. Mehdi Modarreszadeh: Corresponding to the core

- Dr. Mohammad Mehdi Nursing: Nuclear Assistant

- Dr. Masih Hashemi, Dr Masoud Naseripour, Dr. Khalil Ghasemi Falavarjani, Dr. Ahad Sedaghat: Faculty Members of the Vitre and Retina Group


Knowledge Translator: Dr Navid Nilfrooshan


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